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IoT in Automation - Automate your Business Ecosystem with us

Simplify processes and reduce errors, like clockwork

Manage everyday mundane tasks with mechanical regularity. With NYL Technology, you can automate every bit of your IoT ecosystem for precision and efficiency.

Let’s work together


Projects Handled


IoT apps developed


Active clients

We were able to deliver the application within our budget and timeline. Quality results made us reengage with them for further development.


Create a fully automated IoT infrastructure

Streamline tasks with robotic precision

We embed smart sensors and workflow triggers to help you create a hands-off, self-sustaining IoT environment. With rule-based logic programs, you can facilitate better collaboration across teams and address workflow inefficiencies.

Minimize errors and manual oversights

Set your task management on autopilot. Leave no room for errors and manual slip-ups. Let the IoT apps cross-reference information among themselves to synchronize data and create a single source of truth across all functions.

Boost productivity and efficiency

Companies that use IoT automation witness a 30% increase in productivity and a 30% reduction in maintenance costs. Let us help you build powerful workflows that will streamline critical processes, automate asset monitoring and management, and increase process-related efficacy.

Improve uptime and performance

Leave your IoT apps and processes running for longer without restrictions or human interference. Save time and production costs by delegating everything from mundane tasks to mission-critical processes to your IoT assets.

Here’s how we help you build IoT workflow automation


Data gathering

We will start by identifying the repetitive tasks that warrant automation and gather historical data related to those processes.


Establish objectives

We will help you assign the right business goals for each of the automated processes to benchmark them for success.


Workflow diagramming

Next, we will map out the workflow, define if/then conditions, and spell out exceptions to visualize the automation.


Automation testing

We will ensure that all tasks, IoT devices, rule engines, and conditional paths are working in sync to avoid any post-launch glitches.



We will go live with the automation once the moving parts align well. We will track the workflow to fix any anomalies or last-minute oversights.

Let’s work together

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Are you ready to step into the future?